Small non-profits often try to promote their causes by printing their logo on boxy, uncomfortable tee-shirts. The problem is that no one really wants to wear them! Especially not people who aren’t already supporting the cause. With that in mind, these fundraising tees are designed to be visually appealing and speak to a range of people, so they can raise more money for the small non-profits they support.
Kids need Books not Magazines to learn and grow. This tee, inspired by students in Parkland Fl., raises money (50% proceeds) to support Change the Ref, an organization working to protect children (and everyone) from senseless violence.
"Strong Like Bull" is supporting SUDEF, an org founded by "Lost Boy" refugees, which provides medical care in S Sudan. With a silhouette of the iconic east African bovine, and a positive message, the design represents resilience and strength. 100% proceeds go to SUDEF.
"Tofu - the other other white meat" is a quirky design that supports Green Mountain Animal Defenders. The Tofu shirt is a vegan recipe for smiles -- appealing to folks of all dietary preferences, and is a top national seller.
Above from left to right: Founder of Change the Ref on CBS News, Green Mountain Animal Defender volunteer’s pig repping the TOFU tee, and Achier Mou, SUDEF board member.